
Welcome to my Blog. Here I share my thoughts related to Fullstack development topics and programming in general. I've always been a fan of writing, and I hope you can find something here that could help you in your developer career.

# neovim
# vscode
# text-editor

From VSCode to Neovim: A Hilarious Journey of Text Editor Addiction

Learn how I discovered the magic of modal editing, survived the infamous learning curve, and eventually built my own custom Neovim setup.

January 2025, 9

7 min read

# linux
# neovim
# alacritty
# tmux

My Developer Journey: Crafting the Ideal Workflow

Explores my personal journey towards crafting an ideal workflow tailored to my unique needs and preferences.

May 2024, 13

8 min read

# nextjs
# typescript
# tailwind
# trpc
# prisma
# nextauth
# planetscale

Set up T3 Stack with Planetscale, Prisma, and JWT authentication

Learn how to create a database on Planetscale, set up Prisma to connect to your database, and configure JWT authentication using NextAuth within T3 stack application.

August 2023, 26

13 min read

# rust
# enums

How Rust Handle Error and Null Value with Enums

Master Rust's Option and Result enums for robust and error-resistant programming. Handle absence and errors with safety and elegance.

June 2023, 26

9 min read

# rust
# ownership
# borrow

Understanding Rust Borrow's and Ownership Concept

Delve into Rust's Ownership and Borrowing. By understanding ownership transfers and borrowing, you can effectively manage memory, ensuring code safety and efficiency.

June 2023, 25

8 min read

# nextjs
# newsletter
# tailwind
# typescript

Build Blog Newsletter with Sendinblue and Next.js

Building an email newsletter for your Next.js blog can be a great way to keep your viewers informed about your business and articles. By integrating Next.js with an email marketing platform like Sendinblue, you can easily create and send newsletters to a large number of recipients.

January 2023, 23

11 min read