
My personal blog that contains article about Web Development and programming in general



My personal blog that contains article about Web Development and programming in general. In this blog I try to implement some of my skills in Web Development likes Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, MDX, and Contentlayer.


View it’s repo here : https://github.com/albugowy15/bughowi.com

Tech Stack


A strong typed language that make the way you write JavaScript safely. This is my first poject that I build with TypeScript. And it’s really save me from getting bugs when try to get posts and project data. I have create a post about TypeScript basic concepts if you want to learn more about TypeScript basic.


The file system routing and SSG features is really helpful for me to create a static blog.


The tailwind docs are its real magic. It is actually better documented than CSS itself. It’s such a pleasure to use.


MDX allows me to use JSX in my markdown content. I can import components, such as interactive charts or alerts, and embed them within my content. This makes writing long-form content with components a blast.


Because my post and projects is written in MDX files, so Contentlayer gives me a nice abstraction between my MDX files and my application. I can define document type for post and project, then get all posts and projects using getStaticProps() and display it using useMDXComponent that next-contentlayer provided.


I deploy this project in Vercel. You can check it here : https://bughowi.com